
Read more about our customers.

“Structural Therapy relieved pain resulting from a car accident when other therapy didn’t. The constant aches are gone. I was able to go back to work. The auto insurance paid for it. I tell friends & family about Hyatt. When my youngest daughter was in physical pain I brought her for treatments. It worked for her also.”

Denis Daoust

“I tried all the standard treatments. It works, I used to hurt all the time. I was bedridden much of the time. I was practically a cripple. Now I feel great.”

Trish MacKenzie

Why is Rolfing getting more popular?

Rolfing is everywhere

We’ve shared a few articles below the shed more light into what Rolfing is all about and why many people loves it!


“Dr. Oz volunteers to get rolfed to demonstrate its medical benefits”


“He has since gotten in touch with his body in other ways.”


“Everything you know about muscle is wrong”