Rolfing® to heal injuries
Pain is frequently caused by trauma, contraction and mis-alignment. Rolfing is closer to the key principles of yoga than chiropractic and physical therapy altogether. Below is a list of condition/injuries and how Rolfing can help.





Lower Back Strain
These can occur when your muscles have been overstretched or torn. Examples include heavy tasks, sudden falls, repetitive or incorrect technique. Rolfing helps to reduce scar tissue and balance tension in the myofascia part of your body.
Herniated Disks
This can occur when the disks between the vertebrae are worn down and are not able to effectively protect the vertebrae. A sudden twist or repetitive tension on the lumbar spine can lead to a hernia. Rolfing provides relief by stretching the surrounding muscles and connecting tissue, which relieves stress on the discs and allows the area to function properly.
Sacroiliac Joint Sprain
This may happen in cases of prolonged flexion or lifting, as well as degenerative arthritis. People may not be aware of the injury of a sacroiliac due to their flexibility and amplitude of movement. Rolfeurs can observe pelvic bone imbalances and determine which tissues cause misalignment. This enables them to lengthen the shortened structures chronically so that the basin can attain symmetry.
This is when a vertebra slides forward on the one underneath and may be caused by repeated hyperexpansion or sudden direct force or twisting. Pain can be felt in both buttocks and stiffness in the bottom of the back. People with spondylolisthesia usually have heavily curved spines and/or hamstrings. Rolfers are capable of stretching the surrounding tissue, creating space and allowing the slippery vertebra to return to its normal position.

Inflamed Trochanteric Bursitis (TB)
This may be caused by any number of factors, including overuse, imbalance of the lumbar spine, muscular imbalances in the hip or pelvis, a leg length discrepancy, or a lateral snapping hip. Often the leg length disparity is a result of a functional imbalance and not of a structural nature. Rolfing will restore ideal balance of the lumbar spine and pelvis and also reduce chronic tensions that cause TB.
Snapping hip
These occurs when a muscle or tendon passes over a bony structure. There are two types of snapping hip. While usually painless, it can still pose an annoyance. Rolfing will lengthen the shortened structures that cause the snapping. Therefore reducing the irritation and audible effects.
Iliacus tendonitis
It affects the iliacus muscle at the front of the hip, causing a throbbing pain. It is usually associated with young people who overuse movements that emphasize hip flexion and rotation. Rolfers were early to recognize the importance of the iliacus in relation to pelvic and leg function, and a great deal of attention is paid to lengthen and bring balance to this structure. The result is greater ease of overall movement.
Iliacus tendonitis
This happens when the piriformis becomes tight and restricted. Because most dancing typically places an emphasis on hip rotation, a tight piriformis can affect the sciatic nerve, resulting in radiating pain from the buttock to the lower extremities. Rolfing will reduce the tension of the piriformis, therefore decreasing the stress that is placed on the sciatic nerve.
Stress Fracture
From the femoral neck, this may occur with people who train with faulty technique or suffer from muscle imbalance. Pain is usually experienced in the groin, hip girdle, or anterior thigh. Symptoms are prompted by both stretching and passive movement. Rolfing will decrease the myofascial tension that lead to the stress facture, thus allowing the femoral neck to heal itself.

Hallux Valgus and Bunions
They are commonly associated with postural and biomechanical defects in other articulations. Someone with onions will notice an increase in foot pain, either at the point of the foot or near the large toe. The pain will get bigger when you jump. If taken early, Rolfing can solve this problem before it gets serious by stretching chronically short tissues that push the bones into a bad alignment. For those who have had the problem for a prolonged period, Rolfers can help reduce the pain by allowing the toe to approach the correct alignment.
Plantar Fascilitis
This may occur when there is an overuse of the fascia connecting the heel to the base of the toes. It can also be influenced by tightness in the calf, the Achilles tendon, or dancing on a hard surface. People with these will experience pain when they step out of bed in the morning, or following weight bearing activities. Rolfing will lengthen the irritated tissues, preventing further micro-tears that result in intense pain.
Achilles Tendonitis
This is generally due to over-training, lack of flexibility in the calf muscles, or working on a hard surface. Linking the calf muscles to the heel bone, the Achilles tendon is the longest tendon in the body and makes it possible to jump. It is sensitive to inflammation as a result of its frequent use. Role-playing will increase the flexibility of the calf muscle, making it easy for the body to manage the stresses of constant movement.
Lateral ankle sprain
This is a common injury which occurs when the ankle rolls outward and ligaments are torn. A ‘pop’ may be audible when the injury occurs. People will experience pain that is often followed by bruising and swelling. Rolfing will reduce the scar tissue and restore the normal movements of the anklebones, while also rebalancing the arches of the feet.

Shoulder Dislocation
This is typically caused by falling, or when one’s arm is forcibly moved in an awkward position. The shoulder is one of the body’s most mobile joints and is often a target for injury. Often after a painful dislocation people can become careful of movement because of the recovery time. A Rolfer will work with the myofascial restrictions caused by this protective behavior as well as the scar tissue that is a result of the original injury, thus allowing full function of the shoulder joint.
Shoulder Impingement
This can be caused by repeated arm movements, particularly overhead motions and continued extension of the arm at high speed (i.e. when working in a factory or office where you have repetitive movements). The rotator cuff muscles can become compressed and inflamed, therefore increasing the pain over time. Rolfing can help reduce the shortness and compression in the myofascial structures that cause the irritation and pain in the shoulders.
Rotator cuff tears
These are often the result of a sudden forceful injury such as a fall or even repeated stresses placed on the arm. Such injuries are quite painful, especially when trying to raise an arm overhead. Collagen fibers are the main component in scar tissue, which is the result of a tear. Rolfers can effectively decrease the thickness and restriction caused by this particular tissue.
Acromioclavicular joint sprain
This is usually the result of direct force to the top of the shoulder or by falling on to the shoulder, causing ligaments to tear, partially or fully. A bump on the top of the shoulder is a sign of a complete tear. This particular injury results in scar tissue formation. Rolfing technique successfully reestablishes normal movement of the joint that has been affected by the thickening of tissue due to injury.